Weekly Photo Challenge: Street Life

This is my second week of participating in the Weekly Photo Challenge.  I appreciate this challenge, because it forces me to practice coming out of my comfort zone, although I missed an opportunity… again.  I need more practice.  [chuckle]  I noticed that some people post images they have taken in the past and some post multiple images, so I thought I would post three from the past as well as two done specifically for the challenge.

A couple of years ago, I had the privilege of volunteering at Union Rescue Mission, a homeless shelter on Skid Row in L.A.  While there, a friend showed me around the city, and I found it ironic to find a homeless man sleeping on the sidewalk of Hope Street.

A homeless man sleeping on Hope Street in L.A.

A homeless man sleeping on Hope Street in L.A.

While visiting Las Vegas for a family Thanksgiving, I took photos of some of the street people trying to earn money.  ‘Duby’ seemed to enjoy ‘earning his keep’ by posing for pictures.  Taking photos of street life in Las Vegas is less intimidating to me, because people expect it, and as long as you give any amount of money, they will give permission. It is much different from taking photos of complete strangers in public while trying to respect their privacy, although I have stepped out and asked, and I hope to do more in the future.

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A dog on the Vegas strip dressed in a Santa suit.

Bicyclists in Montréal, Canada.

Bicyclists in Montréal, Canada.

I visited Burlington, Vermont this past weekend. It was cool and overcast, so although Burlington’s Church Street hosts some street performers, I missed getting a shot of the only one there that day, but I did get a photo of a colorful cart with lots of fans attached on Main Street, which is just off of Church Street.  I’m not sure if it belonged to a homeless person or some sort of peddler, because he had stepped inside the adjacent establishment.

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A very colorful cart. A peddler’s cart, perhaps?

Church Street in Burlington is open only to pedestrians and is like an outdoor mall. It has some great restaurants and shops, including the Burlington Square Mall, and is within walking distance of Lake Champlain’s waterfront. The atmosphere is very cultural and is a popular place during good weather.

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Burlington, Vermont’s Church Street in March

For more photos of street life, visit the Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge.

10 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Street Life

    • Yes, Jesus said we would always have the poor among us, but I think he said it out of His knowledge and understanding of the hearts of mankind. Not all who are homeless are there because of what they have done, but what others have done to them. I am grateful for places like Union Rescue Mission and individuals who seek to help those in need. Besides their main mission of helping the individual homeless, most of which face some sort of addiction, Union Rescue Mission has a place of refuge called Hope Gardens Family Center that primarily helps but is not limited to women and children. As you know, God is sovereign, and we have a responsibility for ourselves. And in a sense, we are our brothers’ keeper as well. I am grateful for God’s mercy and grace in my life, and like you said, I do often wonder how I fit into God’s design. Thank you, Randell! 🙂

    • [chuckle] Thank you, Bill! If only that was the case. I would thoroughly enjoy just traveling to take pictures. 😉 I am grateful for the opportunities I have had to travel, especially in recent years.

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Street Life | Life is great

  2. Homeless, all of life’s posssessions in a shopping cart and asleep on the sidewalk of a street called ‘Hope’. Priceless.

  3. Pingback: “Street Life” | My Atheist Blog

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