A Kid at Heart

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Although I am in my 50’s, I am still a kid at heart.  I like to play.

I’m trying to improve my posture, so when my fiancé asked me a couple of months ago what I wanted for my birthday, I said, “a posture corrector thingy”.  The one he gave me makes me feel like a super hero, so I thought I’d pretend in front of the camera and then play in Photoshop.  Okay, I know I have it on backwards, but doesn’t it remind you of Iron Man?

Now, I just need to get back to strength training, because I am far from being a super hero.  I had a hard time pulling the bale back on the nozzle a couple of nights ago while trying to put out a car fire! [sigh]  Time to hit the playground!

One Frosty, Misty Morning

On a recent frosty, misty morning I ventured out to a local pond to capture the fog and frost.  The morning sun illuminated one end of the pond and paddlings of ducks could be seen and heard in the distance.

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A pair of mergansers enjoying a morning swim

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Beyond the line of brush, a paddling of ducks could be heard.

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A thin layer of ice is beginning to form on the surface of the water.

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At the other end of the pond, the angle of the sun produced a B&W effect.

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Macro of a crystalline burdock

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“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything.  Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”  —Unknown

Lunar Eclipse 2015

Realized what time it was and was able to rush outside and get a shot of the lunar eclipse! No time to grab the tripod, so I ‘tripodded’ myself on the ground and thank God I was able to get two good shots— one of the full moon and one sliver!!


He Knows His Sheep

"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."  —Jesus

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” —Jesus

The Watering Can

Lord, open our eyes to see those who are dry and in need of watering, even if they are smiling and trying to be strong.

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Happy Independence Day!

If I Had a Flower…

Finding Love

Driftwood and a heart discovered by my daughter and me while waiting for a friend to arrive via a ferry.  Thank you, Lord, for the different ways You speak to us and reveal Your love!!

IMG_0426ip driftwood.heart_smwTaken with my iPhone 5.

A Sign of Spring

The brief snow turned to a misty rain yesterday morning. The sun still hid behind the gray clouds, but inside was warm and had colorful signs of spring!

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